Sunday, August 5, 2012

Agree to disagree

I've been neglecting the blogging scene... So caught up in social networking, life, and such, I guess I forgot about it. Well, I hate to jump on a bandwagon of marriage rights, so I'm just not going to say anything about it (but I am)... I've asked for prayer on the matter because it's difficult not to feel that I should defend myself... There are so many different opinions out there that if I say anything about what I believe, I'll get bashed one way, or another.

The only thing that I will say, is regardless of people's opinions, I want to treat everyone equally. I want to respect everyone equally. So, I've chosen to keep my thoughts to myself. 

The problem, though is that this topic is driving people against each other. Families against each other, friends against each other. Boycotts, slander, and the like... I say, don't let it drive a wedge between you and your friends and loved ones. Agree to disagree. And if the need to bring up the conversation arises, be careful. We all should take into consideration how the other person will be affected. Sometimes it's better to just swallow your pride and let it go. Who cares what you or I think? If they disagree with your opinion, what does it matter? Do you still love that person enough to keep them in your family? Or to be their friend? Then let it go!

Stay humble, people. We're imperfect and finite. Radiate love to those who disagree: it speaks more than the words spouting from your mouth.

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