Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Ol' Faithful

God's faithfulness is really evident lately. I'm not saying at all that He is being more faithful now, or that He wasn't being faithful before He revealed to us that we were going to go to Seattle in April. We are noticing how things are falling into place with moving. We didn't know how we were going to get most of our belongings to Washington, and now, a military couple is offering to let us bring stuff to their house so the military can move it to CA. We'd be able to drive down and pick it up when they move in August. Details, little by little are falling into place. 

I do, however, want it to be known that if God were to say, "Leave everything besides the clothes on your back," we would do it. We'd stink wearing the same clothes over and over, but God is totally faithful.

Chase and I have started telling people about things we are going to be selling. Who knows... We may be able to really bless someone with some of the things we have. We have two apartments full of junk that we need to get rid of... but there are some things that we do need to keep. 

It seems that the closer we get, and the more times we say, "How is this going to work out?" God isn't hesitating in telling or showing us how it will happen. I'm amazed at God's arranging everything. We are still not quite sure how the housing will work out at this point, but we have 4 weeks to search... God certainly hasn't let us down yet!!!!

As always, thanks for reading, and prayers are more than welcome. In fact, we ask that you would take a moment and pray as God leads you to. We ask for guidance, wisdom, and knowledge. But ultimately, pray what God tells you to pray.

With appreciation,


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