Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Stepping out in faith

So, after I posted the last blog entry, something interesting happened. And for me to tell you about it, I have to reverse and give more detailed explanation of what took place.

We've been talking about spiritual gifts at church, going in details, and what each gift is. This past Sunday, we talked about wisdom, knowledge, and faith. When the faith portion came around, Chase and I both had our hearts pierced. Being in the video booth, we didn't have time to discuss before the invitation. There also seems to be alot of foot traffic, even though it's kind of out of the way...

On our way home, Chase turns to me and says that he's feeling led to tell me that we are going to be in Seattle in April. I'm stunned! What do I say? How will we get there with the money that we have? Questions pour into my mind as doubt starts settling in. Here is where the other blog entry takes place.

Monday afternoon, I accompanied my mom to lunch at Five Guys Burgers and Fries. While we were in line, I saw a couple from our church family. I bypassed talking to them and went to get drinks. While I was at the fountain machine, Rich Waring walked up and asked if we wanted to sit with him, his wife, and mother-in-law. We started talking about anything that came up when trips, as in vacations, came into the conversation. Rich then said, "we're going home in April and we wanna know if you and Chase want to go with us." Did I just hear what  I thought I heard? Yup. I did. I explained the message from God that took place the previous day and we laughed. I was so taken by surprise by the invitation. I immediately texted Chase to let him know that I finally knew how we were going to be in Seattle.

Alot of questions still go unanswered, as in if we are to just go on a selling frenzy to get to Seattle, or if we just go ahead and purchase round trip tickets and come back to relocate at a later time. So, that's where we are so far.

If you're reading this, please pray that we will clearly hear God and know what is best.

As always, thanks for reading. And thanks for praying.

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