Saturday, February 18, 2012

On our way to Financial Peace

I've had alot of time without Netflix to keep me company, lately. My mom's credit card information got stolen and there was someone in Va, that used her card to make purchases and there was another one of her credit cards that had information stolen as well. Thankfully, the credit card companies saw that there was a charge to her card that wasn't likely to be hers. But that's besides the point... Well, take the chance to look at your bank statement and/or credit card statements if you believe in using them... make sure that all of the charges are legit. 

I'm not really sure what this entry was going to be about... I've just wasted time on YouTube instead of watching Netflix. 

Here's something. Since my employment was terminated with Kojis, I've been wondering what I can do to help contribute to the savings to get Chase and me to Seattle by summer. Oh, Seattle, I miss you so much! I ache to be there... My heart literally aches when I think about how much I miss it. Yes, I know it's going to be cold and wet there... but it's so beautiful that it doesn't matter what the weather is like... It matters that we are meant to be there, that people need Jesus there... That so much clouds the view of the heart to see Jesus standing right in front of them.

...Back to earning money to contribute to the cause...

I have been pondering what I can do, since I don't want to get into something that I know isn't temporary. Which means that we are going to have to push back our trip to maybe right after Summer and leave maybe late July or early August. We'll set a date and get our hineys out of here!! Chase told me of the nursery hiring for the summer to help get the work done. I don't know if Chase is going to be paid for a full day's work, but I'd be working from like, 6am to noon... or so I think... When I think about what it's going to be like, how much money can we save, I'm not really sure how it's going to work out... I keep thinking, No matter what I think it'll be like, God will stir things up and plans will change... The numbers aren't matching up right now... Chase reconciles the bank, and we still have more in the bank than we have in Chase's figures. God's actually changing things that don't seem to be adding up for us... What do you do if you want to see how much money you have to save to do something? To anticipate? We can't! It doesn't seem like we have enough month at the end of our money (yes, I meant to say it like that), but truth is, we're coming out positive every month, even with our food stamps being cut off.

So, I'm contemplating what I should do with our savings: help to save up, or to pay down debt? I know exactly what Dave Ramsey would say.  And the cost of living is higher in Washington. So, it adds to my contemplating...

As soon as I believe that I've got my answer, I have to expect the unexpected. Things are going to get interesting. Pray for us. :)

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